The Trough of Disillusionment

As we get more and more experience with LLM's I am starting to get worried that I am spending more time relying them and letting my brain atrophy rather than exercising one of my key skills - debuggin...

Leveraging LLMs for Coding: Insights and Real-World Experiences

I've been using LLMs like GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude for the past couple of years to assist with coding, automate repetitive tasks, and even do language translations—both for computer...

What's going on with Cordova/PhoneGap/Ionic these days?

People often ask me (ok, some programmer friends of mine sometimes ask me) what I would use to build a mobile app these days - would I still make a cross platform app with Cordova or Ionic these days....

Same, Same, but Different

Has it really been 6 years since I last blogged? Yikes! Well, I have been meaning to write something for months now (the programming world is a very different place) mostly dealing with the some of th...

Three More Years of PhoneGap/Cordova Lessons

Has it really been more than three years since I wrote Lessons Learned, hard to believe. So much time has past and yet it is definitely still the most viewed article on this website. After re-reading ...