Tools for the Modern Web Developer on Windows

Be a windows developer in the web world sucks. Bring a windows laptop to conference or meet-up you feel like the the not so bright kid in the corner eating paste. Of course you could cover it with Linux stickers...

Switching to Android 6 Months Later

I bought a Nexus 4 at the end of August when they dropped to $199. My iPhone 4 was barely holding on and I had grown frustrated with Apple’s walled garden for the past few years. A month later even...

Trying too hard to make the uncool, cool..

… Or Embracing the Suck I’ve had a Yahoo Mail account for almost 15 years, at the time I got it it was basically for travelling where accessing a POP server from a Web Cafe was not possible or would...

It appears like you are building a framework

*TLDR - After weighing all the options I built a mobile framework around Topcoat, you can find it on Github. * There seems to be an ongoing theme in programming that instead of trying to understand and work within someone...

Exactly what podcasts do you listen to?

As my wife will tell you (“he’s always got bloody headphones in his ears”), I am a voracious podcast listener. The only thing that keeps my sane on my commute, doing the dishes, cleaning the house, or any other number...